Week of Sept 16 – Domestic Outbreaks

This article is written by Madalyn Bierster from mypanhandle.com. This article covers the first human case of West-Nile Virus in Panama City Florida. The mosquito count is increasing because of the increase in humidity and precipitation that Florida sees in summer months.

<iframe src=”https://www.mypanhandle.com/community/first-human-case-of-west-nile-virus-in-bay-county-resident/” width=”100%” height=”800px”><iframe>

Lynn Jolicoeur from CommonHealth writes about Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in Massachusetts. There has been a total of 7 human cases this year and 8 cases found in horses. The state Department of Public Health has declared Massachusetts at critical risk for EEE. There is also insight on how a state determines if a community is at risk for EEE.

<iframe src=”https://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2019/08/28/eastern-equine-encephalitis-mosquito-borne-aerial-spraying-risk-factors” width=”100%” height=”800px”><iframe>

The WCPO staff wrote an article on the West Nile Virus being found in Clermont County, Ohio. 150 mosquitoes have tested positive for the West Nile Virus in this state. Residents over the age of 50 have high risk of developing symptoms and infections from this vector-borne disease

<iframe src=”https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/clermont-county/mosquito-in-clermont-county-test-positive-for-west-nile-virus” width=”100%” height=”800px”><iframe>

Fox 17 released an article by Chris Bovia states that EEE has also been reported in Michigan. There have been 6 horses who have died from EEE in Michigan already. Symptoms for EEE are also included in this article.

<iframe src=”https://fox17online.com/2019/08/27/mosquitos-spread-eee-in-michigan/” width=”100%” height=”800px”><iframe>

West Nile Virus has also reached California and has led to a fatality in Fresno. This is not the first time this year that this has happened in California. Long Beach, Cerritos, and Northridge have all been declared to have detected West Nile Virus. Dead birds have also tested positive for West Nile Virus and were found in L.A. County, Orange County, Sacramento County, and San Diego County.

<iframe src=”https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-08-23/fresno-man-dies-of-west-nile-virus” width=”100%” height=”800px”><iframe>

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